Friday, April 12, 2013

Rating: 4/5
Unglued Devotional by Lysa Terkeurst
201 pages
Barnes and Noble (9.98 paperback, 8.99 Nook)

"Turst in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:5-6)

      My sister-in-law was the first person to introduce me to Lysa Terkeurst's new book, Unglued: Making wise choices in the midst of raw emotions around Christmas time.  At first I wasn't sure if this book would be of any help towards me, but then realized, after reading a couple of chapters, that sometimes we all need a bite in the butt to be more who God wants us to be.  I thought I could just write a review about this devotional, but a lot of what comes out of the devotioinal is from her original book.  I found that if I wanted a quick reminder of the book, I would look through the devotional.
   For me, I decided to read the book and the devotional at the same time; kind of comparing the two as I read.

As I read a realized that you won't need the original book at all to get the most out of this book; in fact, if you just want a devotional with the same about of information, this book would be great for you. 

The summary of the book is simple: 
  • Watch what you say
  • Find out why you acted the way you did
  • Don't do it again.
This devotional is about finding yourself and opening yourself up to the struggles you are faced with and learning how to be stronger in your own skin and your walk with Christ.

I review for BookSneeze®