What questions would you ask?
I found myself nodding, agreeing, and intrigued by the conversations I was having with God, Jesus, and many disciples from the Bible. Okay, I really wasn’t talking to God himself, in the flesh, but I was building my relationship with Him through the holy spirit. Ford does a fantastic job in making the Bile come alive. All “conversations” are based off of scriptures from the Bible.
I tend to get distracted with devotionals; however, the chapters were shorts, to the point and enjoyable to reflect upon.
The table of contents help when wanting to read a certain subject, which allows readers to return when needed.
A great prayer starter
A great way to set goals
A great book for daily devotional
You read it once, but I promise, you’ll need to return to it. Women, come on, we might get an answer, but will always need to ask it at least twice to be convinced.
For non-Christians:
If you ever had questions regarding the Christian faith, or even confused in your own Christians believed, this is a great book to pick up and read.
For men:
Don’t worry, there is abook for you too! Check it out! If you read or have read it, let me know how it is!